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Did you say you want to see bears in Canada?

Did you say you’d like to see some wildlife while you’re visiting Canada? Perhaps some bears, moose or even whales?

Well let me tell you, early May is probably NOT the right time to go!

As beautiful as the clearing snow may have been, and the fact that the sun was shining with blue skies, sadly those salmon hadn’t had time to grow yet! Therefore, the bears were still a little sleepy!

Bears love to catch salmon as they swim by in a creek! Haven’t you seen those pictures?

And whales? Well whales like food too!! They tend to spend winter in warmer waters way down south, which is where their calves are born. They will migrate north during spring. Get there too early & they’re still on their way!! We were lucky enough to see a few, but nothing like the breaching type seen later in the season.

We even had an Orca appear directly in front of our small catamaran on one tour. Thankfully we missed it, but it was a rare sighting! We didn’t even have time for the camera!!

Whichever tour we went on during our time in Canada, the catch phrase was “you’re too early in the season”!!

So my advice? Wait a while! Perhaps early June & into July would be best! Sadly you’ll probably miss the snow, but at least you’ll see the wildlife!

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